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What are VC4A partner pages?

The VC4A partner page is a tool that allows third-party organizations to publish and administrate campaign pages on the VC4A platform, to collect applications for startup programs and promote events.

The partner page is the central point from where organizations can launch these programs and event pages to engage with the VC4A community. Instead of having to rely on the VC4A team to promote partner activities, you can manage your own pages independently and collaboratively with your team. From the dedicated partner page for your organization, you can:

  • Introduce your organization, give an overview of what you do, for whom and why
  • “Edit page content” to:
    • adjust text, details, logo, and header image
    • manage the visibility of the page
    • grant admin or editor access to colleagues to manage the page collaboratively
  • “Add a page” to:
  • Launch dedicated campaign pages for programs or events, which will be listed amongst the overview of opportunities and the event calendar on VC4A, and gain incredible reach
  • Show who is part of your team
  • Showcase and navigate to all past and upcoming program and event pages
  • Showcase your portfolio of supported startups
  • Post updates for your followers
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