Goodwell Round Table: February 2022

Innovation Stories: Insights from Africa

The theme of this series of events is Innovation Stories: Insights from Africa, as we bring you up close and personal with inspiring entrepreneurs across the continent.

Goodwell Round Tables are quarterly meetings intended to widen and increase involvement with our activities and our circle of investors and ambassadors. Participants are a select group of existing and potential investors, ambassadors and others interested in impact investing in Africa.

Each event, we invite the founders and leadership teams from one of our 20 sub-Saharan African portfolio companies to share their journey of building an inclusive business from startup to enterprise. In addition, our investment teams share insights into investment opportunities on the continent, discuss trends in financial inclusion, agriculture, mobility and more, as well as provide a ‘peek behind the curtain’ of what it takes to build a strong portfolio of inclusive investment in Africa.

Previous events include:
  • Logistics and trade in Africa, with Meshack Alloys of Sendy
  • Food security and aquaculture in Africa, with Gerry McCollum of Chicoa Fish Farms
  • M-Commerce and last-mile retail in Africa, with Tim Steel of Copia
  • Technology for financial inclusion, with Dare Okoudjou of MFS Africa
  • Mobile money as a gateway for financial inclusion, with Tayo Oviosu of Paga
  • Innovations in agriculture and food supply chains in Africa, with Elia Timotheo of East Africa Fruits


Feb 10, 2022 (17:00-18:45)
OrganizerGoodwell Investments
Targets Africa
Agribusiness, Agritech, Animal farming, Clean technology and energy, Creative, media and entertainment, Crop farming, Farm machinery, Financial services, Fintech, Fish farming, Food and beverage, Food production, ICT, Logistics, Mobile, New media, Transport and logistics

