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The conscious company accelerator
Fledge is an intense program of entrepreneurial education and mentorship, guiding entrepreneurs through the complex path from idea to revenues and profits.
Fledge16 is the sixteenth iteration of our award-winning accelerator program. We’re seeking the most impactful startups from around the world. Over the past 7+ years, we’ve worked with and invested in 95 startups from 27 countries, including a dozen African countries.
Fledge graduates include BURN Manufacturing, East Africa Fruit, Green Charcoal Uganda, Cowtribe, Birdpreneur, Geossy, Obamastove, and more, who combined have raised millions of dollars of investments and use that capital to improve the lives of millions of Africans.
Fledge is particularly looking at the (1) Team, (2) Impact and (3) Odds of success of the applying startups. Furthermore, Cleantech and Fintech are getting an extra spotlight, as well as Impact startups addressing problems of poverty and homelessness.
Each invitee receives $20,000 in cash as invited to Seattle for 7 weeks of intense training, surrounded by a flood of experienced mentors and impact investors.
Details are on along with our online application.
The application is live at with applications due by January 31, 2020.
We’ve historically invited more African companies than from elsewhere to Seattle, and could do the same again for this next session. Odds are low to get in, but are zero if you don’t apply.
We’re looking for any impactful company. Any company that can point to a UN SDG or three. Ideally companies that have some proof that their idea will make for a viable business, but we seek impact first and foremost.
And yes, we pay you $20,000 if you get invited, as part of a small investment that we’ll help grow.