Association of Financial Institutions for Development

Who we are

The Association of Financial Institutions for Development (FINRURAL) is an organization specialized in Microfinance that groups the Bolivian Development Financial Institutions (IFDs) that were incorporated in the scope of the Regulation of the Law of Banks and Financial Entities in 2008. The work of FINRURAL focuses on facilitating and enhancing access to microfinance services in order to work towards the goal of expanding financial services to the rural, urban and peri-urban population as a sustainable alternative to the fight against poverty and seeking to reduce economic, social, gender and prioritizing the financing of the country’s productive sector.
The Association of Financial Institutions for Development, “FINRURAL”, is a non-profit Civil Association, constituted on September 28, 1993, and which

The nine member institutions of FINRURAL have increased their credit operations year after year, as well as their coverage at the national level, being a real option for financing and supporting micro-business initiatives.
Also, considering the non-profit nature of FINRURAL and its associated entities, the association promotes the efficient management of the performance of FINRURAL and its partner entities. Social as a basic principle of work with the goal of strengthening the fulfillment of its social mission.


Representing and providing comprehensive services to socially responsible financial institutions for the fulfillment of their objectives, as well as supporting organizations that promote Social vision development.


Being a national and international benchmark as a Guild of Financial Institutions that contribute to development through socially responsible finance and comprehensive services.


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Location La Paz, Bolivia
Targets Bolivia
Sectors Business services, Financial services
SDG (4)
1. No Poverty, 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
