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Does a rigid focus on poverty get in the way of building sustainable businesses?
On 17 November 2015 The Acumen Debate series is being launched, in collaboration with EY.
Please see the link below for details and to register:
This promises to be an important and interesting discussion. Given the event has limited seating available, London based impact investors focused on low/middle-income countries, and organisations/people related to this sector are encouraged to attend. Please kindly reserve your place by 23 October to secure your attendance.
Acumen is changing the way the world tackles poverty by investing in companies, leaders and ideas. We invest patient capital in businesses whose products and services are enabling the poor to transform their lives. Founded by Jacqueline Novogratz in 2001, Acumen has invested more than $88 million in 82 companies across Africa, Latin America and South Asia. We are also developing a global community of emerging leaders with the knowledge, skills and determination to create a more inclusive world.
EY is proud to host this event in collaboration with Acumen. We believe that aid and governments play vital roles, but in the long run, enduring paths out of poverty and inequality also depend on sustainable, purpose-led businesses. Through our non-profit consulting programme, Enterprise Growth Services, we work with Acumen and other leading impact investors to help the social entrepreneurs who are building these businesses and changing lives.
4:30 p.m. Registration and Welcome
5:00 p.m. Panel Debate
6:30 p.m. “Why the way impact is measured is broken, and simple steps to fix it”, by Tom Adams, Acumen Director of Impact
7:00 p.m. Networking, drinks and refreshments