Virtual Digital Marketplace on Green Energy in Africa

A part of the EU Africa Business Forum High Level Green Talks

This is a two-day conference organised in the margins of the Portuguese Green Forum that seeks to create an avenue for African and European companies, institutions and business organisations involved and/or interested in green energy to meet, network, exchange and share ideas, technology and encourage the building of potential partnership and match-making deals in the green energy sector.

What to expect

The marketplace will bring together participants and exhibitors from the following categories:
  • European and African development institutional actors (e.g. EIB, AfDB, developments agencies and other development banks) involved in green energy projects in Africa;
  • Commercial financial institutions interested to support / invest in sustainable energy projects in Africa;
  • African and EU companies, associations or consortias showcasing specific sustainable energy projects and/or the application of green technologies in their processes or looking to secure financing, technology transfer or expertise in sustainable energy;
  • Private sector organisations (e.g. BusinessEurope, African Business Council…), showcasing green energy projects, new technology and initiatives;
  • EU and Member States projects (e.g. GetInvest, ElectriFI, blending and Guarantees under EFSD);
  • African Initiatives involved in sustainable energy projects (e.g. Africa Renewable Energy Initiative, RCREEE, ECREEE)
  • Consulting firms (lawyers, consultancies, etc.), with specific expertise on sustainable energy and the energy transition.


Join innovative stakeholders in achieving a net-zero future propelled by Green Energy to power Africa’s development for people and businesses.

Here is your chance to dialogue and promote your project, while engaging in high-level discussions with voices and talents from across Africa and Europe, focusing on how EU and African partnerships can support a sustainable transition in Africa.  

This is an opportunity to network and build new bridges in the green energy sector by participating in exhibitions, workshops and conferences as well as business – to – business and business – to – government meetings. 


Apr 20 - 11:00-Apr 21, 2021 - 12:00
Organizer European Commission
Website Visit website
Location Online
Targets Africa
Sectors Clean technology and energy
