
inclusive innovation 2030


Join this year’s edition of ii2030!

In 2020, Endeva is facilitating a fully virtual edition of ii2030 as part of the #Africa4Future Initiative. Three tracks explore the potential of remote sensing and unmanned logistics for system innovations to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

What is ii2030?

ii2030 is a curated initiative that brings together innovators from corporates, startups, the public sector, NGOs and science to co-create solutions for a more inclusive society by 2030. The #Africa4Future Edition has three tracks: agriculture, infrastructure, and drones. A track has a focus technology, a challenge and a carefully curated group of participants that bring a diversity of perspectives.


How might we use remote sensing to reduce small farmers’ risk exposure and increase productivity?


The agriculture track aims to leverage satellite data to create an integrated risk management service for small farmers, bundling advisory, extension and insurance. Our focus for implementation is on Nigeria. Join our online consultation on September 9th and 23rd from 11am to 1pm CEST!


How might we build critical infrastructure to provide effective service delivery and increase resilience in Africa, with remote sensing and artificial intelligence?


The infrastructure track aims to support African decision-makers to effectively prepare and respond to current citizen service delivery challenges and build more resilient infrastructure by using data-driven tools based on remote sensing and artificial intelligence. Join our online consultation on September 10th and 24th from 11am to 1pm CEST!


How might we make Africa the safest and easiest place to fly drones?


The drone track aims to make Africa the safest place to fly drones, allowing the industry to play a critical role in logistics for products needed to cope in cases of pandemics like COVID-19. Join our online consultation on September 15th and October 1st from 2-4pm CEST!



This year’s ii2030 journey will be fully virtual and focused on Africa.

Meet our partners
The #Africa4Future Edition of ii2030 in 2020 is funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The #Africa4Future Edition of ii2030 is implemented in close collaboration with Airbus BizLab and UP42, a developer platform and marketplace for Earth data and analytics.

#Africa4Future is a joint initiative between Airbus BizLab and the Tech Entrepreneurship Initiative ‘Make-IT in Africa’, a project implemented by GIZ on behalf of BMZ. Launched in 2017, #Africa4Future aims to promote technology partnerships on remote sensing and unmanned logistics between Airbus and African startups and support the creation of a Pan-African ecosystem.


Sep 9 - 10:00 - Sep 16, 2020 - 20:00
Website Visit website
Location Online
Targets Africa
Sectors Agribusiness, Agritech, EdTech, HealthTech, UAVs (drones)
