The EU-Africa Business Forum


The EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF) takes place every three years back to back with the EU-AU Summit. It is co-organised by the European Union (EU), the African Union Commission (AUC), together with African and EU business organizations. It is a main event of public-private dialogue between the EU and Africa at continental level and aims at increasing opportunities of sustainable economic cooperation.

It brings together African and EU business leaders and political decision-makers to discuss how to improve the investment climate and increase  economic partnership opportunities.

This year’s forum will build on the achievements of the 6th EABF, which took place in November 2017 in Abidjan. The last edition emphasized, among other things, the need for permanent and structured public-private dialogue between the EU and Africa at different levels.

The EU and Africa are determined to work together on a strategic, long-term partnership to develop a shared vision for EU-Africa relations in a globalized world. ‘The Joint Communication: Towards a Comprehensive Strategy with Africa’ and the Council of the European Union Conclusions on Africa are seen by the EU as an excellent basis on which to initiate a new ambitious partnership with Africa. The Joint Communication proposes to build on five partnerships:

  • A partnership for green transition and energy access
  • A partnership for digital transformation
  • A partnership for sustainable growth and jobs
  • A partnership for peace and governance
  • A partnership on migration and mobility


Website Visit website
Targets Africa, Europe
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (17)All

