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Closing the food systems loop in Kenya
O-Farms is an African SME accelerator completely focused on circular agribusiness with the goal of making circularity a mainstream approach for improved rural livelihoods and sustainability. It is an initiative funded by the IKEA Foundation to help scale circular agribusiness innovations in East Africa.
O-Farms, led by Bopinc and Village Capital, is focused on accelerating the next generation of innovative circular agribusinesses in Kenya and Uganda. Agri-circularity creates a more sustainable food system that drives innovation through developing innovative business models that reduce agricultural losses thereby creating new economic opportunities and jobs in the region. In this regard, Kenya can sustainably feed its growing population, without depleting its natural resources. In doing so, O-Farms will build an innovation support infrastructure that enables circular agribusiness to grow and develop.
For the first cohort, up to 12 enterprises will be selected to join the program. The enterprises can expect to receive the following benefits: