GIZ Accelerator Program for Climate Change Innovations

Fostering digital climate solutions

The GIZ Accelerator program for Climate Change Innovations is looking for early-stage companies in Benin, Cameroon, and Niger that deliver digital solutions to combat climate change. We are looking for innovative and impactful tech-based solutions to either tackle the adverse effects or minimize the negative impact of climate change.

This program is open to startups using and leveraging digital technologies directly in their solution or in their operations in the following fields:

Countries thematics




Water & soil management for agriculture & WASH
in relation to agricultural production and to access to essential services such as health, sanitation and/or hygiene services
Yes Yes Yes
Agritech solutions to deal with the consequences of climate change, to support farmers thanks to weather forecasting services/alerts Yes Yes Yes
Clean energy solar or bio gas energy for private or business use, digital solutions enabling access to energy in the most remote areas Yes Yes Yes
Last-mile distribution of essential goods & services
(energy, water, health)
Yes Yes Yes
Protection of biodiversity & natural resources
(coastline, wetland, mangroves, savannah, forests)
Yes Yes No
Access to markets for agricultural goods transport solutions, farming as a service for large buyers (retailers, restaurants, ..) Yes No No
Air, land and water pollution (due to transportation, wood-burning, garbage burning, indoors fuel or wood stoves, but also plastic or e-waste pollution) Yes No No

Companies should be able to demonstrate at least a proof of concept, a prototype and first traction in the market. This call for applications is not open to companies who are still in the idea stage.

In each of the three countries, a maximum of three early-stage companies will be selected to join the program, making a cohort of nine companies in total. After a needs assessment, these companies will receive tailor-made technical support, coordinated by our in-country partners Etrilabs (Benin), ActivSpaces (Cameroon), and CIPMEN (Niger).

Digital Transformation Centers

Digital Transformation Centers


April 5, 2022
Program dates Apr 25-Nov 1, 2022
Organizer Digital Transformation Centers
Targets Benin, Cameroon, Niger
Environmental services, Agribusiness, Agritech, Clean technology and energy, Healthcare providers and services, HealthTech, ICT, Transport and logistics, Water, sanitation and hygiene
SDG (11)
1. No Poverty, 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12. Responsible Consumption and Production, 13. Climate Action, 14. Life Below Water, 15. Life on Land, 2. Zero Hunger, 3. Good Health and Well-being, 5. Gender Equality, 6. Clean Water and Sanitation, 7. Affordable and Clean Energy

Eligibility criteria

This program is open to climate-focused technology startups meeting the following criteria:

  • Officially incorporated, registered with the local chamber of commerce in the country or in the process of being registered
  • Delivering a technology and/or digital solution to accelerate the deployment of climate solutions at scale
  • Existing solution on the market (at least proof of concept, minimum viable product) on one of the above mentioned themes which has the capacity to scale
  • The product or service attracts its first customers and shows initial interest from clients (BtoB or BtoC) or investors/donors.
  • Founder and its core team members must be available and committed to join all program elements (including monitoring and evaluation questionnaires)
  • At least one of the founders is originated from Benin, Cameroon, Niger
  • Although this is not a selection criteria, attention will be given to teams committed to promote diversity and inclusion in their venture.

What’s in it for you?

  • The major component of this program  will be the mentorship and technical project support with
      • The involvement of an experienced business mentor for a period of 6 months
      • Learning best practices from business experts to grow your business and your team
  • The selected companies will be exposed to corporate partners and investors to attract potential business opportunities and investments
  • Collaboration with the in-country GIZ’s Digital Transformation Centers will help the founders to further grow their business and scale at local and regional levels
  • Finalists will have ample opportunities to network with local and regional startup founders
  • During a closing program event, 10.000 euro in grant funding will be shared across the 3 finalists per country.


What happens after the application period ends?

– April: Assessment of all completed applications received. Shortlisted applicants will be contacted and interviewed by an independent jury of investors. Please be aware that additional company information and financial data will be asked. For those who are in the process of registering their business, this will become a key requirement.

– May: Selection of the 3 finalists and assessment of their needs in terms of business & technical support. Kick-off of the support program.

– May-October: Rollout of the mentorship and technical support program. On top of the 6 months of mentoring by an experienced business professional, the founders will have dedicated training and support on topics such as finance, legal, HR, etc. to help them face the main growth challenges of their company.

– October-November: Closing session/event, including the opportunity to pitch to local investors. Based on the pitches, 10.000 euro in grant will be shared across the 3 finalists per country.



Name Country Sector(s)
Une campagne agricole se prépare, elle ne s'improvise pas
Cameroon Agribusiness, Agritech, Farm machinery
Africereal Group
Réinventer la culture des céréales en Afrique
Benin Agribusiness, Agritech, Farm machinery
CLEAN Energy Services
Le monde avance,nous Aussi, For a successful energy transition...
Cameroon Clean technology and energy
Niger FPV
Experts in Drone, fpv and Camera
Niger Agritech, Farm machinery, UAVs (drones)
Tic Agro Business
ICT for inclusive community development
Benin Agritech, Crop farming, Machine learning
MapTic Niger
Trust us, and we will help you in terms of data
Niger Big data, Connectivity, Information technology
Govinzo SARL Cameroon Hygiene, Manufacturing, Sexual and reproductive he…
Avodjekpon Global Solutions
Your partner for progress
Benin Agribusiness, Environmental services, ICT

