develoPPP Ventures Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania

Apply now for growth funding for your start-up

Growth funding for innovative start-ups with development impact

develoPPP Ventures is aimed at young companies, whose innovative business model improves living conditions in a developing or emerging country and who are planning to scale up. Via a matching-funds model, DEG Impulse gGmbH and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH with funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) provides a grant funding of 100,000 euros for suitable growth investments.

Is your start-up pursuing a high impact business model in a developing or emerging economy and has already successfully mastered the formation phase? Then find out below about the opportunities for growth funding through develoPPP Ventures. The program is currently available in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania (via the Apply button on this page) and in Nigeria and South Africa.

For Nigeria and South Africa you can find more information by clicking below:

More information

develoPPP Ventures Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania

develoPPP Ventures Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania


June 30, 2024
Organizer develoPPP Ventures
Website Visit website
Targets Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (17) All

Scaling new solutions

Scaling new solutions in developing and emerging economies

With develoPPP Ventures funding, the BMZ is supporting young companies that are already active in a developing or emerging economy and whose business model contributes to sustainable local economic, ecological and social development. The aim is to scale innovative solutions in order to make them accessible to more people. Therefore, it is important that the proof of concept has already been achieved and first revenues have been generated. Funding the start-up phase via develoPPP Ventures is not possible.

The BMZ supports the scaling of suitable business models with a grant funding of 100,000 euros if your company manages to acquire matching funds from other sources of at least the same amount. In addition, your start-up will receive local technical support. Women-led start-ups and start-ups promoting gender equality are especially encouraged to apply.

Participation requirements

Funding decisions on specific investment projects are made via regular develoPPP Ventures ideas competitions. Start-ups that are registered in the target country or that plan to register there before the start of the funding are eligible to participate. Funding is provided exclusively for business expansion in the respective country and must be invested locally. A prerequisite for funding is that the start-up phase has already been completed and initial revenues have been generated. In addition, your company must:

  • Be privately owned and profit-oriented.
  • The company is registered in Kenya, Rwanda or Tanzania OR plans to register there prior to the investment (For Nigeria and South Africa apply here)
  • Have a viable business and financial plan.
  • Be able to provide at least one annual financial statement.
  • Convince other financiers of its business model (matching funds).
  • Not have acquired more than a maximum of €2 million in funding to date.
  • Have high growth potential and reach break-even within a maximum of three years.

Download the participation criteria (PDF) here.

Assessment criteria

– Innovation

The business model is innovative with regard to the target country

– Scalability

The company has a high growth potential due to the size of the market and the target group

– Financial Sustainability

The break-even point will be reached timely (maximum within 3 years)

– Adequate Management

The company has the necessary expertise as well as management capacity and human resources to substantially scale its business

– Developmental Impact

  • The business model has a significant developmental relevance
  • The impact is measurable, i.e. positive effects on the target groups
  • The company is contributing to reaching the SDGs by increasing local income, saving natural resources, improving access to resources and services, and creating decent jobs

Funding conditions

  • DEG Impulse and GIZ provide grant co-financing of EUR 100,000 (and a top-up for successful Ventures in a potential second phase).
  • The company must receive matching funds equaling the amount of the grant financing in the form of cash injection from other investors. Matching funds can be considered if received up to 6 months prior to the application and still available for the develoPPP Ventures investment.
    • The external capital must have been received at the latest by the time of disbursement of the develoPPP Ventures funds. Companies should therefore be in advanced discussions with investors around securing financing within the next six months.
  • The use of funds takes place in the country where the company is registered, Kenya, Nigeria or Tanzania (conclusion of contract will only be possible with a locally registered entity).
  • The investment proposal is financially sound, and the purpose of funding is clearly defined.
  • Entirely commercial financing of the investment project is not possible at this point (subsidiarity).

About develoPPP

develoPPP is a funding programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It is aimed at companies that want to invest sustainably in a developing or emerging country and expand their local operations. Prerequisites for support are a long-term business interest in the country and a sustainable developmental benefit for the local people.

With develoPPP Classic and develoPPP Ventures, the programme offers customised funding opportunities for already well-established enterprises as well as aspiring start-ups. develoPPP is implemented by two experienced partners in German development cooperation: DEG Impulse gGmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. 


The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federal enterprise with worldwide operations. It supports the German Government in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education. GIZ assists people and societies in shaping their own future and improving living conditions.

DEG Impulse gGmbH

DEG Impulse gGmbH is a 100 % non-profit subsidiary of DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KfW Group. DEG Impulse promotes the social and ecological transition of the private sector in developing and emerging-market countries and supports development policy goals as defined by the Sustainable Development Goals. Via advisory and promotional programmes, DEG Impulse supports the transformation process of enterprises, banks and private equity funds and enables them to implement their projects efficiently and effectively, in order to generate both commercial success and development-policy benefits.


For Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania the develoPPP application process is handled via the platform on which you can easily submit and manage your application.

For Nigeria and South Africa the develoPPP application process is handled via a separate platform.

The develoPPP Ventures ideas competition takes place twice a year for six weeks at the end of each quarter (June and December). Do you meet the conditions of participation (PDF) and would like to apply for funding? Here’s how:

  • Select target country
  • Submit a completed application via the develoPPP application platform

Each application will first be evaluated on the basis of consistent and transparent criteria. If your application is successful in the competition, you will be given the opportunity to pitch to the decision-making committee of DEG Impulse and GIZ. The best candidates will then undergo an on-site review (due diligence), which, if successful, will be followed by a funding contract.

The develoPPP Ventures ideas competition takes place twice a year. You can submit your application documents during the following time windows:

  • 2nd quarter: May 15 to June 30
  • 4th quarter: November 15 to December 31

Your start-up must be privately owned and profit-oriented and must be registered in the target country or register there prior to the funded growth investment. Your business model has high development relevance and scalability and thus contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There must be proof of concept  and initial revenues must have been generated. You can find the full list of conditions of participation above.

Applications for develoPPP Ventures go through a multi-stage selection process. First, a selection is made on the basis of the application documents and pitches. The companies that are successful in this phase are then reviewed as part of the due diligence process, for which more detailed information is evaluated (i.e. the business plan including financial projections (for at least 5 years), annual financial statements, information on other investors).

The develoPPP Ventures funding is aimed at young companies that want to further expand their business model in the respective country. A legal entity must be registered locally by the time the contract is concluded at the latest. The funding contract can only be concluded with a local company. The funding is provided for the growth strategy in the respective country and is to be used in the country.

Business models that make a significant contribution to one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are considered relevant to development. The services and / or products contribute to the ecological, economic and / or social development of the country.

develoPPP Ventures specifically funds new business ideas. Funding is not possible if an established market with competitors already exists. However, it may be that a market is already established in one or more industrialized countries, but no comparable products and / or services are yet available locally. Information on the market and competitors must be provided.

In order to achieve the highest possible and sustainable contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the funding is aimed at companies that have the potential to grow. Scalability is measured in particular by the existence of a large market potential and the fact that capacity expansion is associated with efficiency gains. For efficient growth, it must be possible to achieve Economies of Scale. At the same time, the total market size must be sufficient, i.e. potential demand must be high.

Your company must already be established and be able to present its first annual financial statement. You have a technical proof of concept and are generating first revenues from your operational activities. You are also able to convince other financiers of your business model.

develoPPP Ventures is a matching-funds model, i.e. investment capital of at least the same amount must be acquired in addition to the develoPPP Ventures funding. The capital is usually provided by angel investors, family and friends, impact investors, VC funds or by other capital providers. It could also be a fresh cash injection from the current shareholders. To some extent grants can be considered. The external capital does not necessarily have to be available before applying for develoPPP Ventures funding. However, it must have been received at the latest by the time of disbursement of the develoPPP Ventures funds. Companies should therefore be in advanced discussions with investors around securing financing within the next six months. Matching funds can be considered if received up to 6 months prior to the application and as long as the funds are still predominantly available for the develoPPP Ventures investment.

Depending on the country, develoPPP Ventures is implemented either by DEG Impulse gGmbH or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. You apply for funding in the desired country and are thereby automatically assigned to one of the two implementing partners.

Rwanda, Kenya and Tanzania are managed by DEG Impulse gGmbH.
South Africa, Nigera and Ghana are managed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Funding within the framework of develoPPP Ventures is currently possible in Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa and Nigeria. A call for Ghana will open up again in 2025. The application and selection process is supported in each country by a team of local experts who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
