
"Voices for inclusion"

VOCES we want to give greater visibility to great ideas of restless and young minds that can contribute in a structural way to the acceleration of a Latin America with greater opportunities

We are calling on all young people in Latin America who want to meet a common challenge: to accelerate the changes that Latin America needs. 

For this first edition in 2022, “VOCES” becomes “VOCES for inclusion”, a space for great young minds to run ideas with high potential to generate opportunities for everyone in education, employment and financial inclusion through digitalization.

We want to give you visibility and breadth to those great ideas from connections and knowledge that, potentially, allows them to scale their impact. We are looking for young people in the region, and their ideas, to get to where they need to go.

What is VOCES?

The first edition of “VOCES” will be “VOCES for inclusion”, a project that seeks to gather and recognize initiatives that, through digitalization, drive greater opportunities for quality jobs, education and financial inclusion for more Latin American men and women; swill elect 3 winning ideas of great impact potential.

We will be rejoining ideas and initiatives from young people from Peru, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia and Panama, aged 18 to 32. We want to visit great ideas of young people with brilliant minds, that they are in a constant search to contribute in the solution of problems linked to these fields and that afflict our region.

It is important to specify that we look for ideas focused on generating a genuine and true social impact, rather than business initiatives. VOCES is not, in this sense, an accelerator of ventures.

Who can participate?

If you are from Peru, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia or Panama and you are between the 18 to 32 years and individually or in a group, you have an idea that addresses the need to create more and better opportunities for all people in the region, this call is for you!

What kind of ideas can be presented at VOCES for inclusion?

At VOCES for inclusion we look for initiatives that, through digitalization, contribute to the closing of gaps. For example ideas that:

  • Promote connectivity among a group of people to contribute to the economic or social development of a community.
  • Drive digital education among one or more population groups.
  • Be of potential interest to public or multilateral organizations with a vocation, or projects focused on closing gaps in education, labor, or financial inclusion, through digital tools.

Is this a single call or will you have multiple editions?

VOCES is a broad and ambitious project, which will have a different focus for each edition. While the first edition of VOCES will be “VOCES for inclusion”, our goal is that this call for young people to present their change initiatives will cover different areas of impact. In this way, we will gather and recognize ideas that help solve different problems in the region.

What should be taken into account to present an idea?

It is important that those who postulate their idea take into account the following basic aspects:

    • : The idea must positively impact a community, regardless of its origin, age, or condition.
    • FEASIBILITY: We want the winning ideas to be innovative and creative, but to be realizable. Therefore, in the presentation of the proposals, all necessary information must be included that allows the jurors and experts to determine the feasibility of an idea. It is suggested to include implementation times, specific results to be obtained, actors that are required for execution, estimated costs, and any other elements deemed necessary for the presentation of a proposal.
    • CREATIVITY!: We are looking for highly creative ideas,

      What are the stages of the competition?

    What are the stages of the competition?

    This year’s edition will take place in four stages:

      • Stage 1. The receipt of ideas, which will take place between August 17 and October 19.  These will be postulated through the vocescredicorp.com website.
      • Stage 2. Review of the compliance with the requirements of the received ideas, according to the terms and conditions. It will go from October 19 to November 2.
      • Stage 3. Jury and public voting. The Evaluator Committee will qualify the finalist initiatives, with a 60% weight on the final qualification of the competition, while the other 40% of the final qualification will come from the public vote. These results will be weighted to obtain the three VOCES-winning projects for Inclusion. It will go from November 2 to November 20.
      • Stage 4: Announcement of winning ideas. It will be in December 2022. The award ceremony, whose date is to be defined, will be in Lima, Peru.

      What will the VOCES participants gain from inclusion?

      The winners of Voices for Inclusion will be able to:

      1. Rejoining with the representatives of the ten (10) most innovative and revolutionary ideas presented at VOCES by Inclusion, in a unique and inspiring two (2) days meeting, designed to hear young voices from Latin America.
      2. Having the support of the Credicorp expert team.
      3. Raising the exposure of your initiatives both at the level of public opinion and in front of key players and/or decision-makers of relevance to your projects.
      4. Attend the One Young World Summit 2023 in Belfast-via a representative-, to live the unique experience of sharing with great young minds from over 190 countries and be part of the largest network working for social change in the world. Credicorp will assume the cost of the air passage back and forth, from the country of origin (Peru, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia and Panama) to Belfast, as well as the access to the event, lodging and food during the days that the meeting lasts.
      5. Receive US$ 15,000 for the winning idea, to promote the development of the initiatives, once the process is completed to accompany and mentor.




October 20, 2022
Program dates Oct 19 - Nov 20, 2022
Organizer Credicorp
Website Visit website
Targets Latin America and the Caribbean
Sectors Sector agnostic
