Innova Impacta

Summate to climate action

Instance to activate collaboration around key themes that will allow us to transition to sustainable development, from R & D + i based

What is it?

It is a virtual 2-hour event of speed networking based on 10 nodes with key themes on disruptive technologies for climate action and impact innovation.

Theme of the nodes:

Technological and innovative solutions are sought in:

    1. Circular Economy/Industry 4.0.:   That they contribute to a circular model, where the value of products and their materials is preserved, the use of resources is optimized, and systemic effectiveness is achieved.  
    2. Green Hydrogen:   They contribute to the development of the entire H2V value chain, from generation, storage and transport systems, to their new uses and applications.
    3. Energy and energy efficiency: To help decarbonization from renewable sources and to decrease energy consumption from devices and/or new constructive materials or techniques that improve their performance.
    4. Electromobility: That they pay to decarbonize the transportation sector through the development of batteries and electric chargers and other innovations that contribute to the traceability and optimization of systems.
    5. Green Cities (Green Cities): To contribute to smarter and more sustainable cities by means of   energy self-generation, efficient resource and waste management, sustainable transport and ecosystem protection.
    6. Water Technologies/Water Tech:   That they contribute to the efficient use of water resources and the development of water treatment and recovery systems of different uses.
    7. Agro Technologies: To help improve agricultural productivity, avoiding soil degradation and safeguarding food security through the use of new technologies.
    8. Carbon Bonds:   Supporting the development of a carbon bond market at the national level, for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
    9. ESG and Impact Investment: Companies or technology projects that generate social and/or environmental impact that seek to scale through Impact Investment Funds and other financial initiatives.
    10. Nature-based solutions: To protect, manage sustainably, and restore natural or modified ecosystems. They are part of these solutions that are based on biomimesis and biodesign, among others.

    Who can participate?

    • Higher education institutions.
    • R & D centers and related companies.
    • National companies.
    • Public entities.
    • Foreign entities and experts.

    When is it done?

    On Thursday, November 3, 2022 from 09:30 to 12:00 hrs (Chile time), via Zoom. The connection information will be sent after registration.

    Learn more:

Innova Impacta

Innova Impacta


November 3, 2022
Program dates Nov 3, 2022 (0:00)
Organizer CORFO
Website Visit website
Targets Latin America and the Caribbean
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (1)
13. Climate Action
