Desafío Participa y Transforma – Jóvenes Agentes de Cambio

Gran Caracas | Carabobo | Nueva Esparta

What do I need to apply?

  • That the young team leader be between 18 and 35 years old and live in one of the 3 states called (Gran Caracas, Carabobo and Nueva Esparta).
  • That the startup to run is underway.
  • Count on a team of 2 to 5 people.
  • Identify with a topic/SDG.
  • Read the contest bases before you participate.
  • Lower the Unloadable Form to collect all information prior to the event.
  • Fill in the Registration Form on the participate button and then the Postulation Form in the Community of Collares.

Contest stages

Stage I: Convocation, receipt of postulates 15 October to 27 November Stage II: Evaluation and selection of finalists 30 November to 3 December; Strengthening of applications up to 5 December Stage III: Finalistas15 to 17 December Stage IV: Progama fellowship 5 months during the


The 40 (forty) young entrepreneurial leaders who are winners of the third stage will get a 5-month scholarship to be part of the “Comprehensive Fellowship Program”:

  • Bootcamp: training program.
  • Mentories
  • Wellbeing (Wellness) program: wellness tools and psycho-emotional support.
  • Innovation Fund: Seed Capital.


January 8, 2021
Program dates Dec 5, 2020-May 30, 2021
Organizer COLABORA
Website Visit website
Targets Venezuela
Sectors Sector agnostic
