Tech Meets Renewable Energy Hackathon

Tech Meets Renewable Energy

TechMeetsRE hackathon is a call for developers, policymakers and renewable energy enthusiasts with innovative tech solutions to existing gaps in the renewable energy sector.

Nigeria’s renewable energy sector is growing at a fast pace with increasing investments into the sector in order to meet the huge demand for reliable power supply for all needs. This growth is also opening up opportunities for the application of technologies that will increase the effectiveness of deploying and managing these renewable energy solutions.


Tech Meets Renewable Energy hackathon is a call for tech-inspired solutions to existing gaps in the clean energy sector by developing and applying homegrown technology in solving critical challenges in the power sector. Challenge yourself to solve a big problem, innovate without limits, and set out to bring positive change in the world. Use your entrepreneurial spirit to incorporate next-generation technology.


  • Attendees from all backgrounds, genders and geographies are welcome.
  • There is no age restriction to attend the hackathon. In case you are under 18, you need a signed waiver from your parent/legal guardian authorizing you to attend the hackathon.
  • Committee members – including Clean Technology Hub (CTH), Network of Incubators and Innovators in Nigeria (NINE), Ventures Platform – are not eligible to participate in the hackathon. They may, however, assist teams as mentors during the coding/development phase.


Renewable energy promises to solve Nigeria’s energy problem. Do you have an innovative idea that can help? You are just what we are looking for. Enter our Tech Meets Renewable Energy Hackathon via:

Application Deadline is September 29th. Please share and tell your friends

1st prize
6 months of co-working space with Clean Technology Hub.
3 months business advisory from Network of Incubators & Innovators in Nigeria

2nd prize
3 months business advisory from Network of Incubators & Innovators in Nigeria

3rd prize
6 months of co-working space with Clean Technology Hub.
3 months business advisory from Network of Incubators & Innovators in Nigeria

Apply to pitch your solution now!


September 30, 2019
Program dates Sep 11-Sep 26, 2019
OrganizerClean Technology Hub
Website Visit website
Targets Nigeria
Sectors Clean technology, Renewable energy, Solar power

