Fall Armyworm Tech Prize

Looking for digital solutions to support farmers in Africa combat fall armyworm


The Fall Armyworm Tech Prize is seeking digital tools and approaches that provide timely, context-specific information that enable smallholder farmers and those who support them to identify, treat, and track incidence of fall armyworm in Africa.


What is the prize about?

At present, fall armyworm in Africa threatens harvests and economic growth on a continental scale. Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, aims to transform lives toward a world where people no longer face extreme poverty, undernutrition and hunger.  To achieve this, Feed the Future works hand-in-hand with partner countries to develop their agriculture sectors and break the cycle of poverty and hunger.

This prize is focused on sourcing and sparking innovations for African smallholder farmers and those that work with them. But given the global nature of this problem, we anticipate some of these solutions could have relevance beyond Africa.

The prize seeks solutions that:

  • Enable smallholder farmers and those who support them to accurately identify incidence of fall armyworm in their crops.
  • Produce timely, context appropriate, and empowering insights for smallholder farmers to treat the incidence of fall armyworm.
  • Reduce productivity losses caused by fall armyworm among those using the tool or approach.
  • Ensure the appropriate and responsible use of pest management assessments, tools, and interventions.
For more information on applying, visit the eligibility criteriajudging criteria and innovators handbook

How does the prize work?

The prize is open to all for a seven week entry period from 28th March – 14 May 2018. Prospective innovators will have to apply via our online submission formAll entries will be assessed and judged against the judging criteria. 

The finalists will be invited to our co-creation event for three to four days in Uganda at the end of June. 

After the co-creation event finalists will have eight to ten weeks to hone their innovations. As part of the final submission, finalists will need to complete a development plan (similar to a business plan) and submit a video demonstrating their solution. Additionally, during this period, user testing will need to take place – the finalist’s prototypes will be tested with sub-Saharan African smallholder farmers and extension services to understand how viable the product is and how much of a difference they think it could make in recognizing and intervening in the spread of fall armyworm. 

In September/October, a final award event will be held, where the winners of the prizes will be announced. All finalists will have the opportunity to present their prototype and plans to convened stakeholders. 

There are five prizes, totalling $400,000:

  • One grand prize of $150,000 to the most viable solution.
  • Two significant awards of $75,000 to the most promising solutions.
  • Two up and comer awards of $50,000 to early stage developments that show the most potential
Please read the terms and conditions and FAQs.


Want more information?

Visit the Fall Armyworm Tech Prize.
Contactfawtechprize@nesta.org.uk for any enquiries.



May 14, 2018
Organizer Challenge Prize Centre, Nesta
Website Visit website
Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Africa, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Sectors Agribusiness, EdTech, HealthTech, ICT

