Impact Transfer Program

Facilitating scaling of proven social innovations

About the program

CARE International and Ashoka with support from the Austria Development Agency (ADA) are collaborating to implement an Impact Transfer Program in East Africa. The Program is aimed at identifying proven innovations that are relevant to CARE’s programming in East Africa with the goal of replicating these innovations in the communities served by CARE in Rwanda and Kenya.

CARE International is a leading global not-for-profit organization that seeks to implement gender-responsive, locally-led, and economic-efficient programs to fight poverty around the globe. CARE’s mission is to work around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice.

Ashoka Innovators for the Public is a global not-for-profit organization supporting the largest network of over 3,500 leading social entrepreneurs (called Ashoka Fellows) at the forefront of transformative systems change in over 80 countries around the world.

With support from the Austrian Development Agency, CARE International and Ashoka are collaborating to implement an Impact Transfer program to identify and replicate tried and tested solutions to two challenges of interest to CARE International in Kenya and Rwanda namely;

  1. Gender Equality and Right to Health
  2. Sustainability of Village Agent Model.

Through Impact Transfer, Care International and Ashoka aim to identify relevant proven solutions from similar contexts across Africa. CARE International will then collaborate and engage with the solution providers to adapt and replicate their innovation in communities where CARE International operates in Kenya and Rwanda. Please study the challenge definitions provided below and select the one that will be the focus of your application.

Who should apply?

  • Any organization (Business, NGO, or Hybrid) with sustainable, scalable, and proven solutions to any of the two challenges described in the above section.
  • The organization may be from anywhere around Africa, the only requirement being that the proposed solution has been implemented successfully in a context like Kenya and/or Rwanda.
  • Applicants can propose a solution to one but not to both challenge areas described above. Proposed solutions must have documented evidence of Impact and effectiveness.
  • The organization applying must demonstrate adequate capacity and experience in scaling their innovation through a collaborative approach.

Program benefits

The Impact Transfer Program will provide a unique and valuable opportunity for social enterprises to work with INGOs such as CARE in scaling their impact at a local, regional or global level. The collaboration will encompass benefits listed below among others:

  • Opportunity to collaborate with CARE International and country offices to implement and scale your solution(s).
  • Access to CARE assets, networks, resources, expertise, etc.
  • Potential for shared funding within the collaboration between CARE and social enterprises.
  • Access to a collaboration residence workshop in East Africa in September 2022 to cocreate the collaboration model with CARE and Ashoka experts (All expenses covered).
  • Increased visibility.

More info

You can find the call for application document and the info session presentation to learn more about the program.

To submit the supporting documents, please upload them to an online shared folder on google and send the link to this address &

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Please feel free to share to your network


August 1, 2022
Program dates Sep 1-Sep 30, 2022
OrganizerCare International – Kenya
Website Visit website
Targets Sub-Saharan Africa
Sectors Healthcare
SDG (5)
10. Reduced Inequality, 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, 3. Good Health and Well-being, 5. Gender Equality, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
