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Vous êtes un jeune entrepreneur Sénégalais en recherche d'accompagnement?
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has partnered with Bridge for Billions to create IDEA App, an online program that allows you as a young Senegalese entrepreneur to validate your business model and be put in touch with a personal mentor, from Senegal or from around the world. The objective is to accelerate the success of Senegalese entrepreneurs and to promote the entrepreneurial culture. The IDEA App program created by UNIDO and Bridge for Billions offers you: 6 months of online incubation
By entering the program, you will have access to tools to structure your business model, you will be matched with a mentor who will meet with you weekly and help you overcome the challenges you face.
If you are a mentor, you can also engage with the startups and mentor our innovators. This will allow you to meet innovators, Expand your network, Develop professionally, Improve your skills, and Be part of the global change move. For more information you can visit our website Or apply directly through the apply button and choose Entrepreneur’s Mentor.