IDEA App Sénégal – UNIDO x Bridge for Billions

Vous êtes un jeune entrepreneur Sénégalais en recherche d'accompagnement?

The IDEA App Senegal program

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has partnered with Bridge for Billions to create IDEA App, an online program that allows you as a young Senegalese entrepreneur to validate your business model and be put in touch with a personal mentor, from Senegal or from around the world. The objective is to accelerate the success of Senegalese entrepreneurs and to promote the entrepreneurial culture.
The IDEA App program created by UNIDO and Bridge for Billions offers you:  6 months of online incubation

Why Participate?

By entering the program, you will have access to tools to structure your business model, you will be matched with a mentor who will meet with you weekly and help you overcome the challenges you face.

  • Proven methodology
    More than 2,300 entrepreneurs from 80 countries have followed the program.
  • Find your mentor
    You will be matched with a professional who will personally guide you so that your business progresses in the right direction.
  • Global Network
    Be part of a community of founders from over 80 countries who share their resources and meet their challenges together.
  • Experience active learning
    The platform offers a learning-by-doing approach inspired by MIT’s Disciplined Entrepreneurship and you will have the opportunity to generate a business plan in PDF.
  • Anytime, anywhere
    Collaborate from anywhere, anytime with our online program. No barriers, limits or excuses; all you need is a computer and a good internet connection.
  • Exclusive advantages
    Access to expert masterclasses + over $ 30K in discounts on HubSpot, Amazon WS, Google Suite, MailJet, IBM and more.

Eligibility Criteria

  • You have a business in the start-up or development phase with a developed business concept or a recently launched MVP.
  • You are a passionate founder and ready to devote 8 hours a week for 4 months.
  • You are based in Senegal.
  • You have the commitment and ambition to complete the program and start your business.
  • You have a reliable and stable internet connection, as the whole program will take place online.


    • Apply to the program
    • Complete the registration form no later than October 1, 2021, and make sure that your application is as descriptive as possible about your project to increase your chances of being selected!
  • FRIDAY 08 OCTOBER 2021
    • Announcement of selected candidates
    • We will review all applications and select 100 business projects to participate in this edition of the program.
  • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2021
    • Participation in the welcome session
    • If you are selected, you will be invited to a welcome session to the program where we will explain the use of the incubation platform, the learning methodology and much more!
    • Select your mentor
    • Go through the “matching” process and meet mentors from all over the world. Choose whoever you want to work with.
  • FROM NOVEMBER 3, 2021 TO MARCH 3, 2022
    • Starting the program
    • Start the 4 month incubation period to develop your business plan.
    • Participate in 6 online group meetings to meet other founders and work together on the soft skills needed to grow an entrepreneur.
    • Work each week with your personal mentor in one-on-one sessions to review the 8 modules of the program. You will begin to refine your value proposition and end the program with a clear growth plan for your project.
    • Attend two investment readiness workshops to learn the concepts and techniques needed to raise funds.

If you are a mentor, you can also engage with the startups and mentor our innovators. This will allow you to meet innovators, Expand your network, Develop professionally, Improve your skills, and Be part of the global change move. For more information you can visit our website Or apply directly through the apply button and choose Entrepreneur’s Mentor.


October 20, 2021
Program dates Nov 3, 2021-Mar 3, 2022
Organizer Bridge for Billions
Website Visit website
Targets Sub-Saharan Africa
Agribusiness, Business services, Clean technology and energy, Creative, media and entertainment, Education, Financial services, Healthcare, ICT, Leisure and travel, Retail and wholesale, Transport and logistics, Water, sanitation and hygiene
SDG (2)
1. No Poverty, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
