Entrepreneurs keen to transform the African healthcare sector
Over the past few years we have seen improvements in the African healthcare sector. There is increased investment in quality hospitals and a growing
Top 5 mistakes made by investors in Africa
As investors ramp up their activities, and we welcome new investors to the table, what are some of the mistakes being made and how
The key elements to understanding venture capital term sheets
Gwenn The Photo: Dubour Thoumieu /AFP/Getty Images An investor tells you they are willing to put money into your company. Great, it’s time to
Startup Weekend Dakar connects Francophone Africa to international startup scene
This is a guest post written by Yann Le Beux, @CTICDakar – Incubator and Accelerator In recent years, Africa as a whole has experienced an
Case studies
VC4Africa members come together for the second Abuja Meetup
Recently, member Silas Okwoche took the initiative to organize and host the second VC4Africa meet up in Abuja, Nigeria. We had a chance to
The first technology focused Venture Capital company in Zimbabwe
Today we had a chance to connect with Geoff Goss, the founder of Matamba Anonaka Technology Holdings (MATHs), the first technology focused Venture Cap…
Nurodeli: A mobile listing of services in Mauritius
Mauritius always comes up in the top spots for best governed countries in Afric, but we don’t often hear about entrepreneurs from the island
Follow Friday: Technology hubs in Africa on Twitter
Twitter is our main source of news and updates and we like the many ‘who to follow’ lists. Every third Friday of the month
M-Kazi: Mobile job-search on basic phones in Kenya
Finding seed funding is one of the major problems African entrepreneurs face when they want to start a company. Nancy Wang and Lino Carcoforo
Venture Capital (VC): Impact on Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya
Lack of information is one of the key challenges we face in SME development. At VC4Africa we run polls and conduct research from across