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Do you require capital to grow your business? If you are working on a scalable business, and think investors should consider backing your venture,
We recently launched the Inclusive Business Accelerator, an initiative of VC4Africa, BoP Innovation Center, SNV and Nyenrode Business School. Entrepre…
A new acceleration program was announced for green entrepreneurs today at the Seed Africa Symposium 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. This ambitious, continenta…
At VC4Africa we have been busy building a leading network of investors actively investing in early stage companies. There are more than 600 investors
This article by Tom Jackson originally appeared on HumanIPO and is published with permission When a company gets funding, it is generally big news.
You think you have seen them all until you see more of them. Solutions that you thought had been long employed. Innovations that you
Below Daniel Evans & Louis Boguchwal, researchers from the Network Science Center at West Point (US), explain how they map networks of entrepreneu…
It is clear Small Medium Sized Enterprises are the backbone of every economy: they are the engines of employment, income generation and economic growt…
International economic development organizations agree that entrepreneurial success in the developing world can alleviate many key world problems. Dan…
What started as a conversation between like-minded professionals continues to grow as a thriving community dedicated to African venture finance. VC4Af…