Startup Weekend Kampala: Giving a boost to starting entrepreneurs in Uganda
Startup Weekends are organised everywhere across our globe, and there have been a number of editions in Sub Saharan Africa in the past year.
Case studies
Take a look at the VC4Africa peer to peer mentorship program
VC4Africa’s strength is in its member base. We strongly believe in a peer-to-peer approach and foster an open culture of learning and sharing. M…
An inside look at the emerging startup scene in Nairobi
Kenya’s capital Nairobi is on the forefront of Africa’s tech-revolution. With the fast adoption of new mobile money services, and the dropping prices …
Kenya study, impact of venture capital on small and medium sized enterprise
Venture capital, which is quite prevalent in developed countries, has played a big role in enhancing the growth of SMEs. On one hand they
Entrepreneurs keen to transform the African healthcare sector
Over the past few years we have seen improvements in the African healthcare sector. There is increased investment in quality hospitals and a growing
Top 5 mistakes made by investors in Africa
As investors ramp up their activities, and we welcome new investors to the table, what are some of the mistakes being made and how
The key elements to understanding venture capital term sheets
Gwenn The Photo: Dubour Thoumieu /AFP/Getty Images An investor tells you they are willing to put money into your company. Great, it’s time to
Startup Weekend Dakar connects Francophone Africa to international startup scene
This is a guest post written by Yann Le Beux, @CTICDakar – Incubator and Accelerator In recent years, Africa as a whole has experienced an
10 entrepreneurs disrupting the African energy business
Africa’s strong economic performance over the past ten years, as well as its projected economic growth, mean ever-increasing energy demands across the…
Case studies
VC4Africa members come together for the second Abuja Meetup
Recently, member Silas Okwoche took the initiative to organize and host the second VC4Africa meet up in Abuja, Nigeria. We had a chance to