Twitter is our main source of news and we like the many ‘who to follow’ lists. Every third Friday of the month we publish a list of twitter accounts you can follow around a specific theme or topic. This edition focuses on women entrepreneurs across Africa. Magatte Wade – Senegal @magattew A serial entrepreneur, starting Adina for Life Inc., and Tiossano, Inc., both of which were inspired as entrepreneurial attempts to integrate her three cultures (symbolized by Dakar, Paris, and San Francisco). Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu – Ethiopia @soleRebels Bethlehem is the founder and managing director of soleRebels (Bostex PLC), fair trade footwear handcrafted in Ethiopia. Rebecca Enonchong – Cameroon @africatechie Rebecca Enonchong is founder and Chief Executive Officer of AppsTech, a leading global provider of enterprise application solutions. Njeri Rionge – Kenya @njeririonge In the year 2000 Njeri co-founded East Africa’s first mass market oriented ISP, Wananchi Online, which made Internet connectivity affordable for the average household for the first time. Ory Okolloh – Kenya @Kenyanpundit Ory co-founded Ushahidi, a non-profit tech company that specializes in developing free and open source software for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping. Anne Amuzu – Ghana @Ewoenam Anne Amuzu founded and manages Nandimobile together with two other co-founders. She is also the lead developer responsible for the development of the company’s products. In 2010, Nandimobile’s maiden product, Gripeline was said to solve a world wide problem and was awarded the Best Business at the Launch conference in San Francisco. Ndidi Nwuneli – Nigeria @LeapAfrica Ndidi Nwuneli founded LeapAfrica, a leadership training and coaching organization which is committed to empowering, inspiring and equipping a new cadre of leaders in Africa. Jamila Abass – Kenya @Kouljay is one of the founders of MFarm, an transparency tool that offers information on the agricultural sector to Kenyan farmers on their mobile phones. Saran Kaba Jones – Liberia @sarankjones Executive director of FACEAfrica, that funds and supports sustainable clean water, sanitation + hygiene projects in Liberia. FACEAfrica also empowers women & girls through education and skills training. Perihan Abou-Zeid – Egypt @PerihanA Perihan has co-founded Qabila, a media content creator that capitalizes on crowdsourcing and digital media to provide clients with cost-effective content that reaches their target audience. Olivia Mukam – Cameroon @sankara1111 Founder of Harambe and social activist, business consultant and startup coach. Yemisi Akinbobola – Kenya @YemisiOgunleye Founder and editor of IQ4News and PhD in Media and tweeting news on Africa. Kathleen Ndongmo – Nigeria @KathleenNdongmo Networker, humanist and writer. Vice president at Peculiar People Management (PPM), a leading consulting and executive solutions company. Who do you feel should be added to this list? Please leave your suggestions in the comments and we will update this list over time. africa cameroon ethiopia female entrepreneurship follow friday ghana kenya liberia nigeria twitter woman women