Today VC4Africa officially launches groups. These are dedicated sites for VC4Africa community members to further explore their interests in specific countries, sectors and themes. They are more focused in terms of content, functionality and member base allowing for more targeted and focused networking.
On these group pages you will find an activity stream that shows you the latest updates from across the group. You can also share your own project via the ventures section where you can register your business: These will be integrated into the group pages. If you have an event you can make use of the calendar which will be made available to users across the VC4Africa platform. If you have a news item, or simply want to share your opinion or insight, feel free to use the Group Blog –> instead of ‘Post an update’ you can drop down the menu and select ‘Post a blog entry.’ This is a perfect channel for sharing news with other members of the group and the best posts have a chance of being published again to the VC4Africa homepage. Want to join a group?
Theme Groups
Regional Groups
Country Groups