As a community we make our own targets. With the new matchmaking platform what would we like to achieve (November 2010 to November 2011) in the first year? Here are some initial ideas and I would encourage members to share their own thoughts, ideas or questions.Ideally, as a member of VC4Africa we all subscribe to these objectives and work together to realize them.1) Register 10.000 members (convert 30% from existing VC4Africa network) 2) Register 1.000 ventures based in 20 African countries 3) Register 1.000 investors who actively invest in the African market 4) Successfully match/connect/support 100 registered businesses (10%) 5) Realize 12 success stories/ case studies (minimum of 1 success story a month) 6) Successfully host 14 VC4Africa meetupsHow can you help?Please become an active member and share your experiences with your network. Help us identify new entrepreneurs and get them to register with the platform. As a community we can also work with the entrepreneurs to strengthen and improve their proposition. Interaction between members is crucial in supporting an active learning process. At the same time, the more entrepreneurs and ideas we qualify the better positioned we are to facilitate successful matches. In the end its the power of the crowd, a community driven process we can realize together!Do you have comments, thoughts, questions or ideas? Let me know!Ben@vc4africa.comcommunitymambersmeetupsobjectivessuccesssuccess storiestargetsVC4A Updates