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Permaculture for Refugees
Better World Cameroon’s Ndanifor is Cameroon’s civil society’s Focus Agenda on international Climate Resilience and System Change for Agenda 2030
Ndanifor Permaculture Ecovillage – Permaculture for Refugees P4R, aims to bring international awareness to Permaculture the African Way, within the context of the civil war in Cameroon to ensure vulnerable children and women are given a chance to grow into their full potential through innovative volunteerism, hands-on and online digital education.
Ndanifor Peace Village NPE was been set up in 2012 as a call to action in the quest of an equitable and reasonable balance within road maps of the green growth policies of Better World Cameroon’s mitigation, and adaptation of climate change, conservation of ecosystems, and biodiversity that is constant in seeking the achievement of targets underlined in the 2030 SDGs. NPE aims to address societal, environmental, and economic challenges, transformation, and the emergence of climate resilience on the Africa continent. NPE is designed as a social business, collaborative venture start-up in rural and urban landscapes; introducing community-friendly development modeling and implementation; Eco-entrepreneurship and green value chain implementation; development of enabling framework for stakeholder mobilization; support for ecovillage-labeled products and system change services as well as sustainable production and consumption; equitable and fair trade-markets development; capacity…
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