FemBioBiz II Accelerator Programme

AWIEF & SANBio Empowering Female Bio-Entrepreneurs!


As Africa Women Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF), a pan-African women’s economic empowerment organization, we foster women’s economic inclusion, advancement and empowerment through entrepreneurship support and development. 

AWIEF in partnership with NEPAD Southern Africa Network for Biosciences (NEPAD SANBio) is implementing FemBioBiz II Accelerator Programme. FemBioBiz is a programme that aims to promote opportunities for women in the biotechnology and biosciences sector with impact on health and nutrition, while developing their leadership, technological and business skills. It also aims to support deal-making and commercialization in the biosciences arena and create a peer-to-peer network among local female bio-entrepreneurs.

AWIEF  and SANBio are looking for ambitious South African female entrepreneurs and leaders in bioscience-based businesses who would like to grow their business through an accelerator programme and gain regional exposure and access to international markets.
If you fit this profile, apply now and don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! You will stand a chance to win amazing prizes in South Africa and an opportunity to attend Europe’s biggest start-up event in Finland – Slush! 
FemBioBiz is funded by NEPAD SANBio with the support of BioFISA II, a Finnish-Southern African Partnership Programme to strengthen the SANBio network.


April 20, 2018
Program dates Apr 20-Jul 31, 2018
OrganizerAfrica Woman Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF)
Website Visit website
Targets South Africa
Sectors Biotechnology and medical research
