Corona Battle Plan

Resources to get your business through to the other side of the Corona Economy

Practical. Action-oriented. Free

Resources to get your business through to the other side of the Corona Economy

Upcoming webinars:

1. Reshape your business to win in the Corona Economy

We are not going to return to business as usual. You need to reshape and rebuild your business FOR the Corona Economy.

In under 60 minutes, understand the Asset of Value™ building blocks to reshape your business:

  • Positioning
  • Systems
  • People

We’ll also discuss the importance of collaborating to thrive in the new economy.

Date: Tuesday, 14 April 2020
Time: 9h00 to 10h00

2. Retail on the Frontline

The social economy, comprised mostly of retailers, has been worst hit by the Coronavirus. It also one of the biggest employers of people, from sales assistants to waitrons, personal care technicians and cashiers – the number of people relying on retail stores is too high for this sector to fail.

Join business growth expert, Pavlo Phitidis, for a webinar to understand how to negotiate with your landlord to ensure a win-win outcome to this unprecedented shutdown.

You’ll leave with:

  • An understanding of landlords, their pressures and constraints
  • An understanding of negotiation techniques
  • Strategies and tactics to help your business survive through to the other side of the Corona Economy

Date: Tuesday 14th April 2020
Time: 16h00 to 17h00

Space is limited, so please RSVP. The recordings will be posted after the session if you can’t make the webinar time.

Explore other resources and webinars to build your Corona Business Battleplan.

If you have time to work ON your business while you can’t work IN it, and would like to work with Aurik to build an Asset of Value™ get in touch and we’ll get back to you.


Apr 14, 2020 (9:00-17:00)
Organizer Aurik
Website Visit website
Location Online
Targets Africa
Sectors Sector agnostic