6ta. edición del Programa AYNI

Cities of opportunities

Today’s complex problems challenge us to organize differently. We must collaborate to make sense of our interconnected problems and envision new solutions that would otherwise not be feasible if we acted alone. Ayni is a global community of local innovators who are redefining participatory innovation and community organizing for the good of all.

We invite you to be part of this journey!

Join us on April 19 at 2pm GMT to learn from some of the world’s leading system entrepreneurs and thinkers and find out more about the Ayni and how YOU can foster innovation in your city.


Jeroo Billimoria, Catalyst 2030

Keynote Speaker Peter Senge, Academy for Systems Change and Institute for Compassionate Systems

Where: Online

Date: April 19, 2022

Start time: 2pm GMT | 11am Buenos Aires | 4pm Berlin | 7:30pm New Delhi

Duration: 2 hours (approx.)

The event will be in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation.

See you there, bring your questions!

The Ayni Team


Apr 19, 2022 (14:00-16:00)
Organizer Ashoka
Website Visit website
Targets Latin America and the Caribbean
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (3)
1. No Poverty, 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal
