amuGOLD HELPERS FOUNDATION(Farmer, Business, Student, Widow)

BusinessFINANCE CLINIC, BusinessPROCESS Re-engineering & BusinessTIMING Strategy


The Problems: Knowing the fact that over 60% of Small business may likely fail within the first 2-5 years, it is import to identify the causes of this failure and devise a lasting solution. The SME sector is the largest employer of labour in any developing economy, thus deliberate efforts should be made to sustain the growth of this sector. The major causes of the early failure of most Micro Small and Medium Enterprises is poor financial planning/management, unstructured business processes and extremely unorganized business timing strategy. In view of this, many business owners are only being Busy and are not really doing Business.. All the resources invested into our businesses are expected to yield a return, one of the most expensive resources that business owners invest is their TIME which cannot be bought with money. Thence, to compensate business owners for the time invested, everything little time spend must give a measurable and trace-able return in terms of money. If you are busy and your are not making money; then you are not doing business. 

The Solution: Because many business owners are just doing BusyNESS and BusiNESS, we at amuGOLD HELPERS Foundation in collaboration with experienced and successful SMEs in Nigeria are organizing a session to educate our youth, civil servants and even business developers on how we can turn our BusyNESS-2-BusiNESS (B2B Session) without doing too much. You don’t need extra hours to achieve more result, what is need is extra efforts to rethink and act for growth. The B2B Session making our young entrepreneurs and start ups in Nigeria make productive use of their business time, to strategically create a conscious mindset that will convert every act of BusyNESS to BusiNESS. Hence, we came up with the BusyNESS-2-BusiNESS® Session; with the slogan “…get busy making money!” 

The Concept: The B2B Session shall adopt both Question and Answer approach to address critical issues that concerns the health and wellness of every businesses using the following concepts: BusinessFINANCE CLINIC: Checking the financial health of businesses BusinessPROCESS Re-engineering: Develop operational, technical and marketing structure for businesses, BusinessTIMING Strategy: Devising personal and business time management for your business  The Approach (Orange and Apple Session) The B2B Session will comprise of two sessions (Orange and Apple); while the Orange session are meant for new starters, businesses at idea stage and those that are about to enter the market, the Apple Session is meant for businesses that want to scale and expand. The participants for the Apple Session shall first attend the Orange session and later extend to the one-on-one BusinessMEETING session. Each of the Orange and Apple Session shall be 3 hours of critical business time each and that will enable participant to directly interact with the speakers. 

The Cost: To the participant, the following cost shall be paid per session:

1. Orange Session: N2,000/Head [BusinessFINANCE + PROCESS + TIMING] 

2. Apple Session: N5,000/Head BusinessFINANCE + PROCESS + TIMING with one-on-one business meeting and diagnosis class]

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Website Visit website
Location Farmers' HELPER House, opposite Anchorage Multipurpose Hall, Near Albarka FM / Bank Of Agriculture (BOA) Building, Ganmo, Ilorin, Kwara State.
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo
Sectors Sector agnostic
