Generation Africa Fellowship Program Graduation Ceremony

First cohort GAFP Fellows

We are excited to celebrate our first cohort of GAFP Fellows as they graduate from the Generation Africa Fellowship Program. This inaugural program was sponsored by Bayer and powered by Strathmore University.

The fellows have sharpened their skills and widened their knowledge base that will contribute to achievement of sustainable food systems in Africa.

The ceremony is open to the public and anyone can join online! 

Meeting ID: 98578603590

Passcode: 826511


Organizer AGRA
Website Visit website
Targets Africa
Agribusiness, Environmental services, Creative, media and entertainment, Education, Financial services, Accounting services, Adtech, Agritech, Artificial intelligence, Big data, Biofuels, Biomass, Biotechnology and medical research, Blockchain, Business services, Clean technology, Clean technology and energy, Cloud solutions, Computer hardware, Diversified services, EdTech, Electronics, Enterprise software, Fintech, Food production, Furniture, Green transportation and electric motors, Healthcare, Healthcare providers and services, HealthTech, Hydropower, ICT, Information technology, Internet, Marketing and PR, Medical equipment and supplies, Packaging, Pharmaceuticals, Real estate, Renewable energy, UAVs (drones), Waste management and recycling
SDG (17) All
