Banque de France Startup Competition

Contribute to Identity Management in the Digital Age

Explore the Management of Authentication at the Banque de France! 

Banque de France uses innovative companies, startups, SMEs and specialized consulting firms in l ‘ IA, cybersecurity, or blockchain to finda technology facilitating relationships with its taxable institutions.

Many opportunities are key:

  • to experiment with your solution in collaboration with the LabOpen innovation of the Banque de France.Pitchez your solution before the decision-makers of the Banque de France

  • advantage of a relationship with ecosystem players and Bank of France partners (banks, public actors, experts …

  • Receive advice from experts with whom you will create a privileged

  • Invitation for French Fintech Week from 14 to 21 October 2022

Participate by submitting a presentation of your solution in 10-15 slides !

You have until07 September 2022to propose your project!


September 7, 2022
Program dates Aug 1-Sep 7, 2022
Website Visit website
Targets France
Sectors Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud solutions, Machine learning