Afrobytes 2022

New Frontiers of African Agriculture.


Afrobytes in-person annual event is back!

After a long period of safety restrictions, we are happy to welcome you back in person to connect with the African Tech Industry in Paris.

On June 13-14, 2022, we’ll be together, unified, and in one accord to share innovation and make the 20’s an African success story.

  • What makes Afrobytes a unique event?

Afrobytes brings together entrepreneurs, business executives, CEOs, academics, innovators, investors, venture capitalists, tech enthusiasts and media to explore business opportunities between the African tech ecosystem and players in the global tech world.

#Afrobytes is where you connect with the African Tech Industry.

  • 2022 Theme: “The New Frontiers of Innovative and Sustainable African Agriculture.”

On June 14th, we will focus on innovation for sustainable agriculture in Africa. Workshops and conversations will allow you to discover problem-solving companies on the AgriTech value chain.

African Tech Industry Dinner

For this 6th edition, Afrobytes offers an African Tech Industry Dinner at the most prestigious private business club in Paris: Le Cercle de L’Union Interlalliée. Seats are limited.Request an invitation here.

Afrobytes 2022

Afrobytes 2022


Jun 14, 2022 (8:30-18:30)
Website Visit website
MEDEF, Avenue Bosquet, Paris, France
Targets Africa, Europe
Sectors Sector agnostic
