AfriLabs Academy Launch

Join us while we launch the Afrilabs Academy!

Learn from ecosystem experts across Africa on how to improve the quality of support to your community of innovators, startups and MSMEs via the AfriLabs Academy platform.

You are invited to launch with the AfriLabs team The AfriLabs Academy! Designed with entrepreneurs and founders in mind, the courses are designed to provide actionable lessons that can be applied within the current realities of African Hubs. The AfriLabs Academy will bring capacity-building techniques, modules, and supporting mechanisms that will aid in boosting African entrepreneurs and founders.

Be a part of the launch of Africa’s first e-learning platform focused on enabling innovation. In addition to the course content of the AfriLabs Academy, exercises and quizzes have been provided to ensure optimal interactiveness for better assimilation and an engaging learning experience.


May 18, 2022 (10:00-12:00)
Targets Africa
Sectors Sector agnostic
