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#Africatech50 showcases the top 50 fastest growing technology companies.
The AfricaTech50 #Africatech50 Programme is the region’s most objective industry ranking to focus on the technology space, recognising companies that have achieved the fastest rates of growth in Africa so far and those likely to impact African growth over the next 5 years.
The goal of this initiative is to create a perfect blend of high growth startups and fast growing Scaleups and a definitive guide to investors and policy makers for one of the world’s most fascinating ecosystem.
To be eligible, entrepreneurs must be African nationals or have made Africa their home in running a technology businesses. They must also be the chief executive or part of the founding team of a technology company, remaining actively involved in the organisation or in related entrepreneurial endeavours.
Judges will pick the top 50 based on factors such as the current impact of an entrepreneur, the innovation level of their work, and whether they have global standing or potential to grow into a global brand.
The final list and ecosystem report entitled “How technology is changing Africa and how Africa is changing Technology“ will be published during the upcoming Africa Technology Week taking place on 21–25th September 2015.#Africatechweek #Africatechnologyweek
People can apply by filling in the form here or Nominate by tweeting names of companies and founders to #Africatech50
For corporate, media and other partnerships enquiries please contact