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Paving the Path Forward: Investment in Women
Women hold up half the sky, and with the weight of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that women disproportionately carry the brunt of its impact. According to a UN Report, Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) surveys indicate that 29% of working-age mothers living with children lost their jobs compared to only 20% of working-age men living with children. Women with children in the household were also more likely to report increased domestic work and childcare.
Despite the gaps, women have adapted and persevered to support their workplaces, communities, and families. How are women paving the path forward? In what ways are women continuing to make significant strides in the face of challenge? How can we better support women and invest in women-led organizations? This session examines how women continue to lead the way in reimagining the future of social entrepreneurship, healthcare, education, and other areas.
Moderator: Almaz Negash, Founder and Executive Director, African Diaspora Network, is a recognized thought leader and sought-after expert on entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment for international markets, especially high growth African and Diaspora.
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