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Unlocking capital for early stage innovation
Are you an investor looking to meet with like-minded people or are you interested in becoming an early stage investor and ready to learn more? Friday October 7 07:00pm – 10:00pm the Cameroon Angel Network (CAN) in partnership with the African Business Angel Network (ABAN) welcome you to an informal networking drink at the Star Land Hotel in Douala Cameroon. Saturday October 8 the actual work will take place as we host an exclusive investors-only Angel Investor Masterclass from 09:00 to 12:00.
The investor masterclass is part of a series of bootcamps and masterclasses hosted by ABAN to ‘unlock capital for early stage innovation’, focusing on facilitating interactions between angel investors, high-potential entrepreneurs and other relevant stakeholders in the ecosystem. For the Douala edition we are delighted to welcome EBAN (European Angels) president Candace Johnson as well as Rising Tide Africa lead and Lagos Angels Ndidi Nnoli-Edozien to Douala to help facilitate the masterclass togehther with Africa’s Lady of Tech and Douala local Rebecca Enonching, cofounder of the Cameroon Angels Network and the African Business Angel Network.
The two events on Friday the 7th evening and Saturday the 8th morning are intended for investors only and registration is required. We very much welcome entrepreneurs to join us at one of our other events later in the year. Thank you for your understanding.
Register here