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Growing a pan-African network of Angel Investors
ABAN is proud to announce all dates and speakers for the series of Angel Investor Bootcamps being hosted across the continent. Objective of the series is to mobilize the early stage investing community and to grow a pan-African network of Angel investors. Lessons learned will feed into the program for the 2nd Annual Angel Investor Summit scheduled for September 23rd as part ofDEMO Africa 2015. The Bootcamps will consist of a master-class, expert sessions, the presentation of research and in-depth case studies. The intended audience is new aspiring investors interested in learning about early stage investing as well as seasoned, experienced investors looking to share best practices and engage with their peers. The Bootcamp Series are organised with the support of the US State Department, VC4Africa, Intercontinental Trust and the LIONS Africa Partnership.
Seating is limited and for investors only. Register now via the ABAN site.
Award-winning ‘European Angel Investor of the Year 2015′ Brigitte Baumann will run the master-class in Nairobi. Brigitte is a serial entrepreneur, long time Angel Investor and President Emeritus of the European Business Angel Network (EBAN). She is the Founder and CEO of Go Beyond Early Stage Investing and Chairperson of Global Angel Investing group YPO. Also at the event Intellecap will announce the launch of their “Impact Investing Network East Africa Chapter”and share insights on launching and managing angel networks while VC4Africa will present their‘Venture Finance in Africa’ report. The Nairobi Bootcamp is organised in partnership with Viktora Ventures and the iHub.