Africa@Scale 2021

Establishing Africa’s place in the global economy

It is that time of the year again where we look forward to bringing together the friends and supporters of the AFG ecosystem to host our annual conference, Africa@Scale.

This 3rd edition of our conference promises to become our greatest one yet, continuing the thought journey and milestones of last year’s event. Join us on 23 and 24 September from the comfort of your home to explore new insights and avenues towards accelerates business growth and job creation on the continent. Last year we were able to attract as many as 400 attendees from across Africa and the world, continuing the growth of an event format that started as a secret 15-people workshop in Oxford in 2016.

The goal of Africa@Scale has always been simple: Bringing together the brightest minds to develop new perspectives on the scaling of our private sector towards more African prosperity.

Given the current times, we are in, we could not think of a more striking theme than “Establishing our place in the global economy”. Whilst many countries and businesses are still responding to the short-term effects of the global Covid19 pandemic, we would like to invite all our attendees of this year’s conference to look further ahead and explore what this current shift of world dynamics means for the future of the continent and its business sector.

Highlights of the A@S 2021 include:
  • Invite-only workshops on policy development, investment strategy and job creation
  • Award ceremony with hidden champion companies from across Africa
  • Pre-launch of the Global Champions program of AFG to facilitate the creation of 100,00 jobs

Watch the live stream:

Africa@Scale 2021

Africa@Scale 2021


Sep 23 - 12:00-Sep 24, 2021 - 18:00
Organizer Africa Foresight Group
Website Visit website
Location Online
Targets Africa
Sectors Sector agnostic
