ACET Business Transform

Growing investment-grade SMEs

The African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) is an economic policy institute supporting Africa’s long-term growth by working directly with African governments and other collaborators to transform Africa’s economy within a generation.

Towards increasing the impact of its activities on the continent, ACET is implementing a new private sector development project in Ghana dubbed, ACET Business Transform, targeting Early to Growth Stage SMEs that have a manufacturing or assembly component in their business model.

The program seeks to develop a number of carefully selected SMEs through free, top-tier technical and managerial services, mentorship, coaching, direct financial support, and transactions advisory services.

Program objectives

The primary objectives of the program are:

  1. To get the SMEs investment-ready (backed by investment readiness certification from ACET); and
  2. To integrate the SMEs into regional markets or global value chains of large multinationals


June 18, 2021
Program dates Jun 1, 2021-Mar 31, 2022
Organizer ACET
Website Visit website
Targets Ghana
Agribusiness, Drugs and cosmetics, Furniture, Household appliances, Manufacturing, Water, sanitation and hygiene

Who we’re looking for

The Ventures

– Have manufacturing or processing as a central pillar of their business model.
– Are legally incorporated and duly licensed to operate in Ghana.
– Have between 6 and 100 full time employees.
– Have earned more than $100,000 in annual revenues within the past 3 years.
– Have financial statements for at least one year within the past 3 years.

The Owners/Entrepreneurs/CEOs or Leaders who…

– Are willing to commit the time, information and effort required to participate in the program.
– Are seeking to rapidly expand their business to serve other geographical areas.

* Interested firms must demonstrate a viable business model, traction and growth potential, while addressing the needs of the country in diversifying its export basket and contributing to local employment and value addition.

Special areas of interest

Our priority sectors include, but are not limited to:

  1. Agri-processing
  2. Light manufacturing
  3. Woodwork and furniture assembly
  4. Cleaning Products
  5. Essential oils, perfumery, cosmetics and toilet preparations
  6. Inorganic Chemicals
  7. Plastic materials (building materials, sheeting)

What to expect

  1. Technical and Managerial Assistance
    • Our technical support will begin with a Gap Analysis, performed by a global consulting
      firm to determine issues that need to be addressed to make your business investment
    • Based on the results of the Gap Analysis, our consultants will work with you to develop
      an Intervention Plan to address the identified gaps within the shortest possible time.
    • Once the Intervention Plan has been reviewed and approved, we will assemble the
      human and capital resources necessary to execute it.
    • The Intervention Plan for each SME will be unique and tailored to fill specific needs of
      the company.
    • We will also hold periodic group events to enable participating SMEs leverage the
      network effect of the cohort, and to share lessons and best practices.

  2. Inspirational Mentorship
  3. Throughout the program, each SME will be assigned a high-profile mentor.

    • These mentors will be senior, accomplished and well-connected business magnates
      who can bring both their experience and network to bear in promoting your business
    • Mentors will be able to mediate complex corporate and political issues that may arise
      during the expansion stage of your company and be able to open the doors necessary
      to facilitate regional and global business transactions.

  4. Hands-on Coaching by CXOs
    • As the role of your mentor is more inspirational and influential, we will also provide
      business coaches who will take on roles within your business.
    • Our coaches are seasoned mid-career functional experts, such as logistics managers,
      marketing managers, production managers, etc of highly successful companies.
    • Coaches will share practical knowledge, work templates, standard operating
      procedures and proven business strategies with your management team.
    • Where your organization lacks but urgently needs a top executive such as a CFO or
      COO we will provide you with one for the duration of the program.

  5. Investment Readiness Certification
    • A key highlight of the ACET Business Transform is our investment readiness
      framework, with which we will evaluate and certify your business upon your successful
      completion of the program.
    • This certification will act as a mark of quality to assure investors that your business has
      fulfilled key requirements and is thus certified “investment-ready”.
    • With this certification, potential investors can reasonably know what to expect from
      your company as an investment prospect.

  6. Financial Support
    • Our research has shown that during the acceleration stage, SMEs often lack financial
      resources to implement some recommendations of technical assistance providers.
    • The ACET Business Transform differentiates itself in such cases, by funding the
      implementation of technical recommendations that are deemed necessary to make
      your business investment ready.

Our direct financial support will cover essential spending such as:

  • Business travel
  • Marketing costs
  • Equipment and hardware purchases not exceeding $50,000
  • Other approved essential expenses

In all instances, our mode of delivering all above-mentioned interventions will be bespoke and
tailored to the unique needs of each SME.


ACET Business Transform

