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They continue to rely excessively on low-productivity agriculture for rural employment, and they have failed to develop strong manufacturing sectors. Exports are generally limited to a narrow range of agricultural commodities and natural resources, and businesses are difficult to open and operate, stifling the development of a vibrant private sector. Previous attempts to reform the situation through incremental poverty reduction backed by foreign aid have had limited success in addressing the underlying structural limitations facing most African economies.
Much of the well-intentioned policy advice to African governments comes directly from bilateral and multilateral donors. The advice tends to reflect the donors’ priorities and assumptions while lacking a richer understanding of the local context. Even when the required reforms are appropriate, most African governments lack the capacity to implement them.
So when ACET was formed, we called for a new approach to ensure that African countries could fundamentally reorient themselves and realize sustained economic transformation. We wanted to address some of the policy and institutional barriers that hampered sustained economic growth on the continent.
ACET is an economic policy institute supporting Africa’s long-term growth through transformation.
We produce research, offer policy advice, and galvanize action for African countries to develop their economies, reduce poverty, and improve livelihoods for all their people. We are the pre-eminent African organization advancing African solutions to African challenges.
In our view, growth is not enough. Africa must also transform through diversified production, competitive exports, increased productivity, upgraded technology, and improved human well-being.
Our vision is an economically transformed Africa within a generation.
Our mission is to help government and business deliver economic transformation that improves lives.
Our long-term goal is economic transformation and improved human well-being through diversified production, competitive exports, increased productivity and upgraded technology.