Zandu Tech A classified ads platform in the democratic republic of Congo

Cover image of Zandu Tech, E-commerce venture on VC4A

Zandu Tech

Zandu Tech

Zandu is an marketplace that we’ve created with the mission to help Congo join the e-commerce revolution currently happening in Africa. Our product is designed to allow small businesses and the general public to trade online with no barriers.

We at Zandu have a huge passion in two goals, firstly driving the development in E Commerce technology in Congo drastically and secondly to help stimulate the Congo economy and cash flow within.

Zandu Tech is a company created in 2019 with a mission to help Congo and it’s people join the world of e-commerce. The Zandu application has been designed to enable all businesses (Irrespective of Size) and members of the general public to trade online free of charge from the comfort of their smart device. The application has for categories were people can sell anything from Homes, Cars, Technology and used personal effect items such as clothing and furniture.

SectorsE-commerce, Marketing and PR
LocationKinshasa, Congo, Democratic Republic of the
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