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Vyazala.crops limited Off/taker, trader, out-grower and processor

Cover image of Vyazala.crops limited, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

Vyazala crops limited is an off-taker, trader and out-grower manager dealing with rural small scale farmers.
Archived aquaculture out grower project with at least 100 farmers owning 2000 fish each since 2020.
Built a fish/chicken processing plant worthy $57,000 in 2020 awaiting final touches and electricity connection.
Looking for additional investment for out-grower expansion to meet the processing plant production capacity and targeted market demand. wants to integrated fish with pigs to reduce of fish feed as it will increase on( phytoplankton) feed for fish.

SectorsAgribusiness, Animal farming, Fish farming
LocationSolwezi, Zambia
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