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VMove SpA TI solution to optimize routes× for shared transfer services


Germán Correa, Cofounder: Professional trained as a Commercial Engineer specialized in Sales.
He is the main manager and coordinates the national market and new international openings. He is our technological manager, permanently aware of the pulse of the market, of alternative services and emerging companies on the field.
Mónica Gonzalez, Studies, knowledge and experience in financial management, accounting and costs. For several years she has been a businesswoman in the field of transportation, which is why she knows how to apply her knowledge in the field.
Mikhael Marzuqa, Commercial Engineer, Auditor Accountant, with 6 postgraduate degrees. Preparation of the Strategic Plan from 2019 to 2023. Preparation of the internal management system with procedures and their flow&protocols. 45 years as an entrepeneur and prospecting smart capital.
Carlos Gonzalez, Entrepreneur with a long career in the directories of large production, distribution and transport logistics companies