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Sila Health Simplifying payments for healthcare across Africa

Cover image of Sila Health, Inteligencia artificial venture on VC4A

Africa’s Healthcare needs have not evolved to match emerging socio-demographic trends. Non Communicable Diseases are set to become the leading cause of mortality in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030 while the 13% of annual remittances spent on healthcare in Africa is sent through expensive money transfer services.

Sila Health uses machine learning to provide access to basic healthcare through the use of low-cost chat platforms such as WhatsApp and SMS and refers users to local last-mile healthcare providers in each country we operate in. Our platform achieves the following:
– Guaranteed verified local care with machine learning-enabled digital scheme management in 14 African languages
– Simplified local payments and a subscription model for medical & dental cover that works
– Automatic data collection and processing in remote areas for decision makers & stakeholders

Sectores Inteligencia artificial, Sanidad, Proveedores y servicios sanitarios
Ubicación Bulawayo, Holanda
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