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PLANT Biodefenders LTD Producer of Biocontrol for improving agriculture and human health

Cover image of PLANT Biodefenders LTD, Agritech venture on VC4A

Plant Bio defenders, a private company based in Moshi, Tanzania, produces and supplies bio pesticide and herbal medicines. The company has been producing biopesticide (Vuruga Biocide) for agricultural pest for 4 years and of producing up to 1000 Litres per day. The company has reached more than 10,000 smallholders farmers cultivating maize, horticulture and cotton. The company also deals with herbal medicine production business industry for over 2 years, mainly producing organic herbal medicines and vector control products for controlling vector-borne diseases including Mosquitoes, ticks and flies.

Sectores Agritech, Biotecnología e investigación médica, Cultivos agrícolas
Ubicación Moschi, Tanzania
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