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Pheoabei quality products and supplies enterprises Manufacturing petroleum jelly and glycerine in abrand name Highness

Cover image of Pheoabei quality products and supplies enterprises, Drugs and cosmetics venture on VC4A

Phoeabei Quality Products and Supplies deals in manufacturing of petroleum jelly and glycrine.The idea came because in kenya cosmetic industries are few and 80% of these industries are for foreign investors and remaining 20% are for Kenyans investors, this makes the government to get 16% benefit on taxation and the profit go to their own countries leaving Kenya, an undeveloped and lacking infrastructure. The competition in the market is low, cosmetic products very expensive and unreachable to the lower class. These has prompted other retail stores to seek alternative to import from other countries e.g Dubai and China; hence loss of time. But my company produces similar products  ranging from 10 kenyan shillings that is affordable to everyone. Our  goals are to reach more customers  outside and beyond boundaries so that we can increase share market by 7% within six months and to expand the firm labour market by increasing staffs to create job opportunity for youths

SectorsDrugs and cosmetics, Manufacturing
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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