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People in Need (Philippines) We are a non-governmental, non-profit Organization

Tech-based devices and mobile-enabled technology using SMS and IoT aimed to generate and provide fast, relevant and context-specific early warnings and updates along with an end-to-end alert dissemination system at the local and community level. This system builds on a proprietary monitoring system (which will be integrated within the government’s existing monitoring dashboards) and an effective warning messages dissemination system developed with the mobile operator. The system share warnings directly with those in need, particularly, at-risk and vulnerable sector of the communities.

Key project activities will include

(1) Generating risk data and real-time hazard information through tech-based early warning instruments connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) which will include sub-activities such as the provision of devices and technical training;
(2) Development of alert dissemination models using mobile technology to actively disseminate timely alerts which will include

Sectores Software informático, Tecnología de información, Internet de las cosas (IoT)
Ubicación Cagayan de Oro, Filipinas
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