Ozone Concepts Integrated Ltd (located in Lagos, Nigeria) aims to provide technologically-driven solutions to key service delivery issues and problems within the Retail/Supply-chain sectors in Nigeria and Africa. For the retail industry, customer’s satisfaction is key that is, having the ability to provide ready-to-consume/fast-moving products to people conveniently, on a timely basis and according to their preferences, thereby enhancing their standard of happy living. We are currently developing a software (Oyemi) which enhances stock management for businesses whilst providing customer service experience. A unique value-add of this project is that upon completion and at full maturity, the App/Software will be deployed as a key resource, marketed to other Eco-Malls or stand-alone segments and platforms across the country and in Africa. Our customer onboarding target is to have over 40,000 retail/business segments into ©Oyemi by year-5 of operations.