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OHealthPro Telemedicine company that provide complete digital health solutions.

“OHealthPro” meaning Online Health Professionals, is a global telemedicine
company that has the vision of becoming a global leader in providing complete digital health solution for everyone, everywhere.

Our massive impact include but not limited to:

1. Telemedicine (online consultation with different health professionals e.g doctors, nurses, pharmacists, medical laboratory scientists, physiotherapists etc).

2. E-commerce session that gives the opportunity to sale and buy medical/health equipment, drugs and consumables etc

3. Health and medical toursim session were patients can book for any health service in any hospital in any country country of their choice.

4. Session on health-related blogging and job adverts

5. Others include telemedicine consultancy, health education and promotion.

Our uniqueness include online health insurance package, telemedicine vendorship and free online consultation for our clients any time the show evidence of planting a tree in the

Sectors Healthcare, ICT
Location Maiduguri, Nigeria
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