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NutriCare Health Foods for a Productive Nation


Ken is the founder of the NutriCare organization. The organization focuses on the empowerment of youth and women farmers. It teaches development skills, resources utilization, and enhancing food and nutrition security to strengthen the community economy. NutriCare increases the availability and consumption of nutritious food, through women empowerment, timekeeping and integrity.
Ken MacHence Gunsalu (BSc), is a young passionate action researcher interested in sustainable food systems, Innovation Systems and Value Chain approaches, in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Our advisor is Ikechi K. Agbugba (PhD), is a specialist in agriculture economics with a keen interest in agribusiness especially in the marketing of food and agricultural commodities, as well as in developing frameworks for effective and efficient procedures for agribusiness marketing and branding activities in selected sub-Saharan African communities.